January 29, 2025

Travel & Tourism

An account of my visit to the KYUSHU Island, Japan

Dr Swaranjit Singh/Kaumimarg.com | December 02, 2020 09:00 PM

 While I was in the Kobe University in Japan, I got an opportunity to go to the volcanicregion of south Japan with Professor Nobuhide Fujitake. From Itami (Osaka) Airport toMiyazaki we went by air. Our mission was to collect soil for analysis of its Humic AcidContent and isolation of microorganisms. From the Miyazaki University we started theadventurous expedition by car. We climbed up the mountains and saw steam oozing out.The nearby rocks were hot in the cold November season due to the hot gas from theinterior of the earth. I saw a lot of yellowish deposits that was in fact Sulphur. There wasa lake down below that had formed as a result of a creator created due to a volcaniceruption. Some areas were fenced in the Kirishima region with boards saying “KEEPAWAY” from the hot gases.All along the route back we saw steam going up as if numerous chimneys were there.Huge retaining walls with fencing are made by the Government of Japan. It is interestingto note that many pipes are erected to facilitate the hot gases to escape. The pipes hadpure yellow crystals of Sulphur deposited piled up in a geometric pattern. The pipesholding the yellow Sulphur crystals were corroded and broken due to the corrosive actionof the Sulphuric acid formed in the process. The whole area had a fishy smell. As wefurther went down there was a big mass of white smoke and many cars were parked. Thiswas a big Sulphur Spring. We heard the loud sound of Sulphur and water splashing out inlarge volumes and the smell was very strong. No one goes down as the discharge is verydangerous and can char animals, humans and plants. Seeing all these amazing sights, Ifelt and saw how hot our earth’s crust is - the hot lava waiting to erupt and cool theinterior of the earth.
Miyazaki City has broad roads with shopping and eating places. I remembered the broadroads of LA, USA. Many Palm trees and lovely seasonal flowers were in full bloom. TheMiyazaki University located on a hill has the Palm trees and flowers mentioned above.On our way back after visiting the departments we saw a panoramic view of the bluewaters of the Pacific Ocean in front of us. It was a magnificent view to see the ocean withships from above. Big concrete blocks were placed on the shore to control the strongwaves of the sea.

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