March 26, 2025

Women World

Prachi established herself the foremost experts on the digital economy

Viikass Jolly/ Kaumimarg Bureau | May 21, 2021 09:12 PM

An Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Lighting Designer, International Educator-Translator-Winner, Prachi has established herself as one of the foremost experts on the digital economy and how the fourth industrial revolution is transforming the global workforce, empowering technocrat and accelerating government reform across the Globe.
Member ISA - ISLE. Experienced System Integrator with Building Electrical Architect with a demonstrated history of working in the special and Electronic & EV Manufacturing industry, a professional with more than a decade qualitative experience in a lighting design application, home, and building automation, project execution, and training, she is the founder and Principal CEO of the Multi-Faceted Lighting Design and Automation Firm “ Skylark Automation”.
Strong Skills - Strategy Branding - Advanced Business Development - Google Certified Software Expert worked on various projects in areas like Office Space, Hospitality, Residential and Façade lighting spread across India with diverse and unique work experience as an Entrepreneur, Developer, System Integrator with Lighting Designer and Development Expert with the execution of very hi-end spaces like Celebrity Bungalows and Corporate Offices. Also a Technical Influencer with demonstrated ability to focus on Technology, Vastu Expert Infrastructure, Social Development, Networking, Collaboration, Creative Sustainable lighting Design, Architecture, and IOT, a certified training professional by Teletask, KNX Certification, Hogar USA Vitrea Israel .
Her passion for light is as active as ever and she continues to travel all over the country designing lighting schemes for esteemed brands, individuals, and corporate clients. She is a Global Speaker at many leading design Events, Conferences, and Awards Across the nation. She has featured in International Women in Lighting Magazine, Red TV Sydney International Show, KNX Certified System Integrator, International Japanese Translator, COVID 19 National & International contribution. She awarded with many awards GIWA Global Award, Local to Global Award, Nari Shakti 2020 | Indian Achievers Award | Youth Techicon 2020 and more.
She is not from business family, her passion, her caliber, her potential persuade her to throw her attention on business world. She has studied more than 100 small business closely. She has studied 5 foreign languages from her mentor Scientist of India Mr. K. Belvi. According to her , Business means Just like top athletes train and practice to come out victorious, companies train and prepare so they can beat the competition. Instead of scoring home runs or goals, however, companies compete on things like revenue, profit, and quarterly metrics. One should not lose hope when the path seems difficult. The will power of a person should be insurmountable and invincible. It is the greatest moving force in the world. The possessor of a strong will has a head start in life. . Success cannot be achieved in a try or two, or with no determination. It requires sheer determination and persistent hard work. Simply having the determination to pursue your happiness, your goals and your dreams is a massive success in itself. This tough and strong will, automatically clears obstacles and creates a way for us. When there is a will in our self, we are willing to do anything for improvement and we are ready to sacrifice for goals. We learn to make us steadfast. By this, we also set a Role-Model for others and we develop our self.

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