Bollywood actress Mandakini on Wednesday shared a throwback picture with her 'Dushman' co-star Mithun Chakraborty, dropping a glimpse from their song "Hoton Pe Tumne Pyar Likha Hai".
Mandakini, whose real name is Yasmeen Joseph, took to Instagram, where she has 120K followers, and shared a picture from the track 'Hoton Pe Tumne Pyar Likha Hai'.
The still from the song shows Mandakini in a yellow saree, with Mithun hugging her from behind.
She captioned the post as: "Can you guess the song?"
Fans wrote in the comment section: "Hoton Pe Tumne Pyar Likha Hai".
A user said: "Old time".
The 1990 film 'Dushman' was directed and produced by Shakti Samanta.
During the 1980s, Mithun was at the height of his fame, starring in numerous films and enjoying immense popularity. His on-screen chemistry with Mandakini was especially well-received, leading audiences to eagerly anticipate their future collaborations.
As they continued to appear together in films, rumors of a potential off-screen romance began to circulate. In the early 1990s, Mandakini was briefly rumored to be involved with gangster Dawood Ibrahim after being spotted with him in Dubai. Mandakini had firmly denied any romantic involvement with Dawood.
On the personal front, Mandakini is married to a Buddhist monk, Dr Kagyur T Rinpoche Thakur. The couple have a son named Rabbil and a daughter Rabze Innaya.
She is best known for playing the lead role in the 1985 movie 'Ram Teri Ganga Maili' by film producer-director Raj Kapoor opposite his youngest son Rajiv Kapoor.
Mandakini has then acted in successful films like 'Dance Dance' with Mithun, 'Kahan Hai Kanoon' with Aditya Pancholi, and 'Pyaar Karke Dekho' with Govinda. She has featured in 'Jung Baaz', 'Sheshnaag', and 'Taqdeer Ka Tamasha' to name a few.
She last appeared in the 1996 film 'Zordaar' directed by Ajay Kashyap. It starred Govinda, Aditya Pancholi, and Neelam in pivotal roles.