Delhi-Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led a high-energy roadshow in Kasturba Nagar, it was followed by two Jansabhas (public rallies) in Mehrauli and Chhatarpur Assembly Constituencies, where Mann addressed thousands of enthusiastic supporters.
During the roadshow, Mann was greeted by a sea of AAP supporters, who cheered and chanted slogans as he made his way through the crowded streets of Kasturba Nagar. The Punjab Chief Minister interacted with locals and urged them to vote for AAP candidates.
Addressing the gatherings, Mann expressed his gratitude to the people for their overwhelming support. "I can see the enthusiasm and energy of the people, and I am confident that on February 5, the broom will sweep the elections, " he said. "We have worked tirelessly for the people, and now it's time for the people to elect their representatives."
Mann also emphasized the importance of electing representatives who understand the problems of the common people. "We are not here to make false promises or indulge in petty politics, " he said. "We are committed to working for the people, and we will ensure that their voices are heard."
The Punjab Chief Minister also highlighted the achievements of the AAP government in Punjab, including providing 50, 000 jobs and ensuring that 90% of households receive zero electricity bills. "We have delivered on our promises, and we will continue to work for the people, " he said.
Mann also drew attention to the contrast between the AAP's commitment to public service and the opposition's focus on personal attacks. "The BJP resorts to abuse and slander, targeting Arvind Kejriwal from morning till night, " he said. "This is because they have no constructive work to showcase." In contrast, Mann said that the AAP's focus is on delivering tangible benefits to the people, citing the example of Punjab where the party has provided 50, 000 jobs without requiring any recommendations or bribes.
Mann also highlighted the significance of the AAP's election symbol, the broom. "Our symbol represents cleanliness and purity, and under Arvind Kejriwal's leadership, we will bring about a cleanliness drive across the country, " he said. Mann expressed confidence that the people of Delhi would elect AAP representatives who would work tirelessly for their welfare, and urged them to press the 'jharoo' button on the EVM to bring about a positive change.
Mann also ridiculed the opposition's empty promises, citing the example of the BJP's claim to provide Rs 2, 500 to women. "Did they fulfill their earlier promise of depositing Rs 15 lakh into everyone's bank account?" he asked. "Their promises are nothing but hollow jumlas, and the people of Delhi will not fall for them."
Mann criticized BJP for its hypocrisy, saying, “They accused Kejriwal of distributing freebies, but today in their manifesto, they have promised ₹2500 for women and free gas cylinders among other freebies.” But the people of Delhi know that only Kejriwal fulfill his Guarantees, other parties copied his word 'guarantee' and his guarantees but they don't deliver anything after getting your votes.